Results for 'Martin B. Flamm'

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    Dear Editors.Martin B. Flamm - 1986 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 14 (2):50-83.
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    Accommodating Religious Beliefs in the ICU: A Narrative Account of a Disputed Death.Martin L. Smith & Anne Lederman Flamm - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (1):55-64.
    Conflicts of interest. None to report. Despite widespread acceptance in the United States of neurological criteria to determine death, clinicians encounter families who object, often on religious grounds, to the categorization of their loved ones as “brain dead.” The concept of “reasonable accommodation” of objections to brain death, promulgated in both state statutes and the bioethics literature, suggests the possibility of compromise between the family’s deeply held beliefs and the legal, professional and moral values otherwise directing clinicians to withdraw medical (...)
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  3. Good News in Exile: Three Pastors Offer a Hopeful Vision for the Church.Martin B. Copenhaver, Anthony B. Robinson & William H. Willimon - 1999
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    New Technologies Should not be Treated as Social Experiments.Martin B. Peterson - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (3):346-348.
    Van de Poel argues that nuclear power should be treated as an ongoing social experiment that needs to be continuously monitored and evaluated. In his reports (2009; Jacobs, Van de Poel, & Os...
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    The complexity of CTBT verification. Taking noble gas monitoring as an example.Martin B. Kalinowski, Andreas Becker, Paul R. J. Saey, Matthias P. Tuma & Gerhard Wotawa - 2008 - Complexity 14 (1):89-99.
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    Business-Government Relations Within a Contingency Theory Framework: Strategy, Structure, Fit, and Performance.Martin B. Meznar & Julius H. Johnson - 2005 - Business and Society 44 (2):119-143.
    Using a contingency theory framework, this study examines the relationship between a firm’s business-government relations (BGR) strategy, BGR structure, and BGR performance. Based on previous work, the study hypothesizes that BGR strategy determines, in part, the structure of the public affairs function, as well as the function’s effectiveness. Furthermore, the study contends that an appropriate fit between BGR strategy and BGR structure leads to improved BGR performance. Results indicate that there is a positive association between BGR strategies (buffering and bridging) (...)
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    Intent, motive, and the R.A.V. decision.Martin B. Margulies - 1992 - Criminal Justice Ethics 11 (2):42-46.
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  8. Justicia, derecho y moral en Giorgio del Vecchio.B. Martin - 1993 - Estudios Filosóficos 42 (121):429-450.
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    Drugs, the state and global change: A contemporary European perspective.Martin B. Elvins - 1999 - Cultural Values 3 (4):503-523.
    This article examines the issue of illicit drug control across three broad levels of analysis. On one level, it examines the nature of the response to a ‘global phenomenon’ and its impact on national sovereignty. On a second level, it considers emergent state forms and practices and their relationship to global changes; and, thirdly, it grounds the analysis temporally and empirically in the contemporary European Union. The complex, evolving and essentially fragmented character of state power is placed in the context (...)
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    The Fall of the Ṣafavi DynastyThe Fall of the Safavi Dynasty.Martin B. Dickson - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (4):503.
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  11. Apocalypse Derrida in Papers from the Spring 1987 University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign Graduate Student Conference.B. Martin - 1988 - Auslegung 14 (2):201-210.
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  12. Geopolitics in Post-Wall Europe: Security, Territory and Identity. Edited by Ola Tunander et al.B. F. Martin - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (3):458-458.
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  13. Sephardi Jewry: A History of the Judeo-Spanish Community, 14th-20th Centuries. By Esther Benbassa and Aron Rodrigue.B. F. Martin - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (3):409-410.
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    Al-Waqfīyah ar-Rashīdīyah: The Act for the Pious FoundationAl-Waqfiyah ar-Rashidiyah: The Act for the Pious Foundation.B. G. Martin, Rashīd ad-Dīn Fazlullāh, Mujtaba Minovi, Iraj Afshar & Rashid ad-Din Fazlullah - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (4):561.
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  15. Modeling the Heisenberg matrix: Quantum coherence and thought at the holoscape manifold and deeper complementarity.R. L. Amoroso & B. Martin - 1995 - In Joseph King & Karl H. Pribram (eds.), Scale in Conscious Experience: Is the Brain Too Important to be Left to the Specialists to Study? Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  16.  21
    Managing Corporate Legitimacy: Public Affairs Activities, Strategies and Effectiveness.Martin B. Meznar & Douglas Nigh - 1993 - Business and Society 32 (1):30-43.
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    Predictive testing in minors: the need for empirical evidence.Martin B. Delatycki, Cara Mand, Lynn Gillam & Rony Duncan - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (9):533-534.
  18.  26
    Genetic discrimination in life insurance: a human rights issue.Jane Tiller & Martin B. Delatycki - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (7):484-485.
    In this issue of Journal of Medical Ethics, Pugh1 offers a pluralist justice-based argument in support of the spirit, if not the precise letter, of the UK approach to the use of genetic test results to underwrite life insurance. We agree with Dr Pugh’s general contention that there is ethical and philosophical support for curtailment of insurers’ access to, and use of, applicants’ GTR in underwriting. However, we disagree with the contention that broad revisionary implications of certain theories of justice (...)
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    The ICMJE and URM: Providing Independent Advice for the Conduct of Biomedical Research and Publication.Martin B. Van der Weyden - 2007 - Mens Sana Monographs 5 (1):15.
    The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors is a working group of editors of selected medical journals that meets annually. Founded in Vancouver, Canada, in 1978, it currently consists of 11 member journals and a representative of the US National Library of Medicine. The major purpose of the Committee is to address and provide guidance for the conduct and publishing of biomedical research and the ethical tenets underpinning these activities. This advice is detailed in the Committee's Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts (...)
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    Social Responsibility and Strategic Management: Toward an Enterprise Strategy Classification.Martin B. Meznar, James J. Chrisman & Archie B. Carroll - 1991 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 10 (1):47-66.
  21. Exploring personal science.B. Martin & W. Brouwer - 1993 - Science Education 77 (4):441-459.
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    Commitment in Modern French Literature. [REVIEW]Martin B. Friedman - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (1):152.
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  23. Dehiscence: the dissemination of Levinas in the South Pacific.B. Martin - 2008 - In Denise Egéa-Kuehne (ed.), Levinas and Education: At the Intersection of Faith and Reason. New York: Routledge.
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  24. The Jews of Modern France. By Paula E. Hyman.B. F. Martin - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (2):314-314.
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    Welfare in America: How Social science Fails the Poor.B. Martin - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (4):354-355.
  26.  20
    Family Members’ Requests to Extend Physiologic Support after Declaration of Brain Death: A Case Series Analysis and Proposed Guidelines for Clinical Management.Patricia A. Mayer, Martin L. Smith & Anne Lederman Flamm - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (3):222-237.
    We describe and analyze 13 cases handled by our ethics consultation service (ECS) in which families requested continuation of physiological support for loved ones after death by neurological criteria (DNC) had been declared. These ethics consultations took place between 2005 and 2013. Patients’ ages ranged from 14 to 85. Continued mechanical ventilation was the focal intervention sought by all families. The ECS’s advice and recommendations generally promoted “reasonable accommodation” of the requests, balancing compassion for grieving families with other ethical and (...)
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    On being the Editor of the Medical Journal of Australia: Living dangerously.Martin B. Van Der Weyden - 2012 - Mens Sana Monographs 10 (1):150.
    Editorial independence is crucial for the viability of a journal and editors have many masters - the public, the readers, the authors and the owners. Negotiating the resultant minefield requires a purposeful and independent stance. This is particularly so in instances of a relatively modern phenomenon: concerted attempts by clinical groups to influence, or even abort, publication of articles, which may threaten their practice. Moreover, modern social media facilitates this manipulation.
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  28. This Odd and Wondrous Calling: The Public and Private Lives of Two Ministers.Lillian Daniel & Martin B. Copenhaver - 2009
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    Investigating the origin of AIDS: some ethical dimensions.B. Martin - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (4):253-256.
    The theory that AIDS originated from contaminated polio vaccines raises a number of challenging issues with ethical dimensions. The Journal of Medical Ethics dealt with a submission about the theory a decade ago; subsequent developments have raised further issues. Four areas of contention are addressed: whether the theory should be investigated; whether anyone should be blamed; whether defamation actions are appropriate, and whether the scientific community has a responsibility to examine unorthodox theories.
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    Depth of processing pictures of faces and recognition memory.Gordon H. Bower & Martin B. Karlin - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (4):751.
  31.  19
    Bonifaci, C. F., Kierkegaard y el amor. [REVIEW]B. Martín - 1965 - Augustinianum 5 (1):215-216.
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    ‘Is it better not to know certain things?’: views of women who have undergone non-invasive prenatal testing on its possible future applications.Hilary Bowman-Smart, Julian Savulescu, Cara Mand, Christopher Gyngell, Mark D. Pertile, Sharon Lewis & Martin B. Delatycki - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (4):231-238.
    Non-invasive prenatal testing is at the forefront of prenatal screening. Current uses for NIPT include fetal sex determination and screening for chromosomal disorders such as trisomy 21. However, NIPT may be expanded to many different future applications. There are a potential host of ethical concerns around the expanding use of NIPT, as examined by the recent Nuffield Council report on the topic. It is important to examine what NIPT might be used for before these possibilities become consumer reality. There is (...)
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    Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing for “Non-Medical” Traits: Ensuring Consistency in Ethical Decision-Making.Hilary Bowman-Smart, Christopher Gyngell, Cara Mand, David J. Amor, Martin B. Delatycki & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (3):3-20.
    The scope of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) could expand in the future to include detailed analysis of the fetal genome. This will allow for the testing for virtually any trait with a genetic contribution, including “non-medical” traits. Here we discuss the potential use of NIPT for these traits. We outline a scenario which highlights possible inconsistencies with ethical decision-making. We then discuss the case against permitting these uses. The objections include practical problems; increasing inequities; increasing the burden of choice; negative (...)
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  34.  13
    International Perspectives on the Goals of Universal Basic and Secondary Education.Joel E. Cohen & Martin B. Malin (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    Although universal schooling has been adopted as a goal by international organizations, bilateral aid agencies, national governments, and non-profit organizations, little sustained international attention has been devoted to the purposes or goals of universal education. What is universal primary and secondary education intended to accomplish? This book, which grew out of a project of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, offers views from Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and South America on the purposes of universal education while considering diverse (...)
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    Developing and Testing a Checklist to Enhance Quality in Clinical Ethics Consultation.Martin L. Smith, Ruchi Sanghani, Anne Lederman Flamm, Margot M. Eves, Susannah L. Rose & Lauren Sydney Flicker - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (4):281-290.
    Checklists have been used to improve quality in many industries, including healthcare. The use of checklists, however, has not been extensively evaluated in clinical ethics consultation. This article seeks to fill this gap by exploring the efficacy of using a checklist in ethics consultation, as tested by an empirical investigation of the use of the checklist at a large academic medical system (Cleveland Clinic). The specific aims of this project are as follows: (1) to improve the quality of ethics consultations (...)
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    Predictive genetic testing for neurodegenerative conditions: how should conflicting interests within families be managed?Zornitza Stark, Jane Wallace, Lynn Gillam, Matthew Burgess & Martin B. Delatycki - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (10):640-642.
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  37. Predictive genetic testing in minors for late-onset conditions: a chronological and analytical review of the ethical arguments: Figure 1.Cara Mand, Lynn Gillam, Martin B. Delatycki & Rony E. Duncan - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (9):519-524.
    Predictive genetic testing is now routinely offered to asymptomatic adults at risk for genetic disease. However, testing of minors at risk for adult-onset conditions, where no treatment or preventive intervention exists, has evoked greater controversy and inspired a debate spanning two decades. This review aims to provide a detailed longitudinal analysis and concludes by examining the debate's current status and prospects for the future. Fifty-three relevant theoretical papers published between 1990 and December 2010 were identified, and interpretative content analysis was (...)
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    The brave new era of human genetic testing.Hans-Jürgen Bandelt, Yong-Gang Yao, Martin B. Richards & Antonio Salas - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1246-1251.
    The commercialization of ‘big science’ is in full swing, leading to situations in which the ethical principles of academia are beginning to be compromised. This is exemplified by the profitable business of genetic ancestry testing. The goals of this sort of ‘big science’ are not necessarily in any way novel, however. In particular, large genotyping projects have a certain start‐up time when their design is frozen in, so that the projects often lag behind the development of genetic knowledge. On the (...)
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  39. The Mind in Nature.C. B. Martin - 2007 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    What are the most fundamental features of the world? Do minds stand outside the natural order? Is a unified picture of mental and physical reality possible? The Mind in Nature provides a staunchly realist account of the world as a unified system incorporating both the mental and the physical.
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  40. Rationality.Martin Hollis & B. Wilson - 1982 - In Martin Hollis & Steven Lukes (eds.), Rationality and relativism. Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 99--100.
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]William J. Reese, Frederick D. Harper, Robert C. Serow, Richard D. Lakes, Geraldine Joncich Clifford, Martin B. Booth, Joan N. Burstyn, C. A. Bowers & Richard A. Brosio - 1986 - Educational Studies 17 (1):116-160.
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  42. Jaggar, A. 245 Jeffreys, S. 58 Johnson, D. 182 Kamuf, P. 169, 173.D. Kellner, E. Kelly, E. Laclau, T. De Lauretis, C. MacKinnon, S. McNeill, M. Maguire, P. Major-Poeul, H. Marcuse & B. Martin - 1993 - In Caroline Ramazanoglu (ed.), Up against Foucault: explorations of some tensions between Foucault and feminism. New York: Routledge. pp. 265.
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  43. What Is a Thing?Martin Heidegger, W. B. Barton, Vera Deutsch & Eugene T. Gendlin - 1972 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 5 (3):191-192.
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  44. Intentionality and the non-psychological.C. B. Martin & Karl Pfeifer - 1986 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 46 (4):531-54.
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  45. Continuities and Extensions of Ethical Climate Theory: A Meta-Analytic Review.Kelly D. Martin & John B. Cullen - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (2):175-194.
    Using traditional meta-analytic techniques, we compile relevant research to enhance conceptual appreciation of ethical climate theory (ECT) as it has been studied in the descriptive and applied ethics literature. We explore the various treatments of ethical climate to understand how the theoretical framework has developed. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive picture of how the theory has been extended by describing the individual-level work climate outcomes commonly studied in this theoretical context. Meta-analysis allows us to resolve inconsistencies in previous findings as (...)
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  46. Dispositions and conditionals.C. B. Martin - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (174):1-8.
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    Dispositions: A Debate.D. Armstrong, C. B. Martin & U. T. Place (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    'Why did the window break when it was hit by the stone? Because the window is brittle and the stone is hard; hardness and brittleness are powers, dispositional properties or dispositions.' Dispositions are essential to our understanding of the world. This book is a record of the debate on the nature of dispositions between three distinguished philosophers - D. M. Armstrong, C. B. Martin and U. T. Place - who have been thinking about dispositions all their working lives. Their (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Remembering.C. B. Martin & Max Deutscher - 1966 - Philosophical Review 75 (April):161-96.
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    On ℵ0-categorical weakly o-minimal structures.B. Herwig, H. D. Macpherson, G. Martin, A. Nurtazin & J. K. Truss - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 101 (1):65-93.
    0-categorical o-minimal structures were completely described by Pillay and Steinhorn 565–592), and are essentially built up from copies of the rationals as an ordered set by ‘cutting and copying’. Here we investigate the possible structures which an 0-categorical weakly o-minimal set may carry, and find that there are some rather more interesting examples. We show that even here the possibilities are limited. We subdivide our study into the following principal cases: the structure is 1-indiscernible, in which case all possibilities are (...)
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  50. Jesus.Martin Dibelius, Charles B. Hedrick & Frederick C. Grant - 1949
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